The above listed can be donated for the contents of the bag. We also accept single items in any quantities, which will be combined by us with others later. Bring donations to the collection point or send by courier. Our address is 23 “Shipka” Str., Sofia. The items for the bag must be new, the plush toy and game could be used, but they should look like new. The delicacies cannot be home-made and must be sealed and within their expiration date.
You can also participate in the “New Friend” mission by making a financial donation directly to our bank accounts in BGN BG78STSA93000028828444, BIC STSABGSF, and in EUR BG52STSA93000028828524, BIC STSABGSF, with reason for payment “New Friend”. You can also make a donation directly online here and we will fill the bag with the necessary items for you.